Design Services | Real Connected

Design Services

Design Services

From Facebook & Linked In Headers, to infographics and Banner Ads, let our team create the content your business needs!

Custom Banner

Create a standout banner that perfectly fits your website’s look and theme with our graphic design experts.



Key Features:

  • We will create a distinctive look for your business using the exact dimensions that fit your website with fully responsive designs!
  • Build your visual identity by creating banner designs that are cohesive with your brand and profile. Let your individuality shine by using your own logo, customizing fonts and choosing your own color palette.
  • Forget tricky image sizing – all of our banners are formatted to match the correct dimensions on your website.
  • We provide you with fully responsive banners that will look perfect on all screen sizes, on any device.

Infographic Creation

Relay your message visually! An infographic is a graphic that represents your message in an easy-to-understand visual narrative. Infographics are perfect for brands who want to tell a story and present lackluster data in an eye-catching way.



Key Features:

  • Earn you exposure on countless websites and blogs, as infographics are often spread virally.
  • Drive targeted traffic to your website through referrals from sites that share your infographic.
  • Build brand awareness and recognition that keeps visitors coming back for more, as well as establishing trust within your industry.
  • Improve your search engine rankings by acquiring relevant backlinks.

Facebook Page Cover

Standout from other mundane pages with a custom cover that perfectly fits your brand’s look and theme. Whether you’re designing for your business or personal page, our graphic design experts can make your page stand out



Logo Design

We take branding seriously, and it shows! Our Logo Designs will truly make your business stand out from the competition! Click to learn more about our logo design packages



Custom Design Project

Do you need a quote for a custom project? Drop us a line and let us know what you are looking to accomplish, and we will provide a quote for your custom project.

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